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You ladies are making my life so much easier.

You ladies are making my life so much easier.

— Anonymous

It's a breath of fresh air.

You just don't understand—no one offers the kind of service OnPoint provides. It's a breath of fresh air.

— Anonymous

I gotta say, you guys are awesome

I gotta say, you guys are awesome; Dawn's right on the money, you're so responsive, Rachel is great.

— Anonymous

On-Point hit a home run

On-Point hit a home run with the nurse practitioner NICU expert you provided for our recent webinar. Her valuable perspective and nursing insights provided the attendees the answers they needed. Amazingly, you pulled it off under such a tight window of timing. We cannot thank you enough.

— John F. Romano, Esquire

OnPoint nurses were excellent

The expert reports done by the OnPoint nurses were excellent and speak for themselves; when arbitration takes place, they will not need to attend!”

— S. Gambogi, Esq.

Everything is so well tied in

The report is very thorough and everything is so well tied in. Thanks for having Sue work on this file. OnPoint did an amazing job.

— Anonymous

Understands the liability and what I need perfectly

Thank you for introducing us to Dr. T. He understands the liability and what I need perfectly.

— M. Scanlon, Esq. Scanlon & Wojton, Pittsburgh, PA.

OnPoint saved me by finding an expert urgently

Dr. S. came through in his testimony. I will stand in front of your booth at next year’s CLE with a sign saying “OnPoint saved me by finding an expert urgently”.

— M. Fridkin, Esq. Schmidt, Kerfides, Fridkin, Media, PA.

Takes the time to understand

It takes a team to help our clients. The OnPoint team takes the time to understand how I plan to prosecute a case and help me to understand the medicine. I have come to rely heavily on the insight they bring to my cases.

— K. Kuehner, Esq. Syracuse, N. Y.

A fraction of the cost of my time

I realized that I was becoming overwhelmed in medical records spending tremendous time evaluating cases for merit. Initial telephone and in-person screening suggested to me they were strong cases but once records were acquired, it was taking me months to find time to organize and carefully analyze them. With OnPoint, I have completely eliminated that delay. I immediately transfer the records or my case memo and can discuss the case, often in a few days. I get a detailed screening memo with strengths, weaknesses, missing records, and alerts that need to be resolved. For a fraction of the cost of my time, I am getting a dramatic head start on helping my clients and their families.

— K. Kuehner, Esq. Syracuse, N.Y.

The smallest detail can make a difference in winning your case.

You know how much time and effort it takes to prepare for trial and how critical it is to overprepare and out prepare the other side. We know it too. Let’s work together for your success.

MileMark Media - Practice Growth Solutions

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